Episode 177: Tappy chats with Max Whitby - Part 1

Max and the most influential horse in his career so far - 2004 Cox Plate winner Savabeel.

Max and the most influential horse in his career so far - 2004 Cox Plate winner Savabeel.

It was a treat to catch up with the ebullient Max Whitby. In Part 1 Max talks of his current role as Managing Director of Propex Derivatives - a respected proprietary trading firm.

He explains the role of another company Envirobank Recycling which provides litter solutions for beverage.

Max proudly explains the operation of his syndication company Mi Runners which has brought close to 5000 new owners into racing. He loves this venture.

He talks of his participation in the Everest Slot Holders concept. No luck so far, but he’s having another crack this year.

Max takes us back to his childhood at Bangalow (NSW) and the influence of his grandfather on his life.

He remembers his days as a jackeroo on the Amaroo cattle station, and the extraordinary circumstances that brought him to Sydney and to the Texas Tavern at King’s Cross.

Max talks with affection of Bernie Houghton, a Sydney based American who took a shine to the young bloke from Bangalow.

He talks of his new job with the rural commodity firm Nicholls and his instant fascination with the Futures Market.

Max reflects on the establishment of his own business L Quay Futures Brokers, and the subsequent sale of the company to ABN Amro.

(Banner image - Max in his role as Managing Director of Propex Derivatives.)

Chris Waller, Doug May, Anthony Seibold and Max at the races 2018.

Chris Waller, Doug May, Anthony Seibold and Max at the races 2018.